A unique and exceptional reference!

Directory of Quebec Ski Sites

Québec province is the region of the world where skiing has grown the most. In fact, over 600 sites have been developed and used for the practice of sports activities on skis, including more than 500 alpine ski sites, of which more than 100 are still in operation. There were also a hundred jumps for ski jumping.

The geo-directory of these sites can be consulted at the following address:

Geo-directory of Québec ski sites
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The icons on the site identifies the main activities. By clicking on it, a window gives the main characteristics, including the best known or most recent name and the other names it has. The activities present at a site are indicated by the letters O (in operation), X (old) and N (never put into operation).

Where applicable, a summary will briefly give the location, history and description of the site. It will also produce relevant articles, maps and pictures. Sixty summaries have been produced to date.

Data sources

The directory is the results, among other things, of the consultation:

+  Fifty maps and lists published between 1931 and 2014

+  Thousands of articles published in forty newspapers

+  Interviews and on-site visits covering over 250 sites and that are the subject of six volumes of reports totaling approximately 500 pages

+  Data from the book Des traces dans la neige, cent ans de ski au Québec by Danielle Soucy

+  And in the Canadian Ski “Annuals” or “Year Books” of the Canadian Amateur Ski Association (CASA)


Database of the ski sites

The Laurentian Ski Museum also has a digital database of ski sites in Québec, containing more than 13,500 documents. The database can be consulted by appointment.

We can also consult

Directory of Quebec ski sites (PDF)

Reports of visits and meetings (in french only)

Volume 1 :    Nord-du-Québec, Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Outaouais (sauf Seigniory Club)

Volume 2 :    Seigniory Club

Volume 3 :    Laurentides (sauf MRC des Pays-d’en-Haut)

Volume 4 :    Laurentides : MRC des Pays-d’en-Haut

Volume 5 :    Autres régions

Volume 6 :    Addendum no 1 (à paraître)

We count on you!

You know sites that we do not know about. You know better than us where exactly certain sites were. You have data, photos, details that are unknown to us. We want to have this information to correct the geo-directory and include it in our database.

Contact us to let us know!
Pierre Dumas, ingénieur M.Sc.

Pierre Dumas, Engineer M.Sc.A.

Author of the “Répertoire des sites de ski du Québec” (Directory of Quebec ski sites)
Laurentian Ski Museum Member

To know more about the author